Yep thats right two bloggins in one day, whats going on? Well this morning I thought about it and then strapped on the Vibrams and decided to baptise them on the trails. I had been out in them on the roads, but htis would be a first. So I took off on the usual trails near me and managed to miss most of the mud and scooted over to the Ardagh Bluffs. I took it easy, but it felt easy too. The Vibrams felt really good on the softer ground, except when I would step on a stick or larger rock. I could feel it, but it wasn't bad. Overall I finished feeling better then most runs lately, I only did 13k, but it was a successful 13k. And the Vibrams passed the trail test with flying colours. I'd be abit concerned with more techinical terrain and rocky stuff, but otherwise it was good. Not sure if I'll get out for a run tomorrow or not, probably in the morning. Then off to TO for the Mogwai show, review to follow! Short but sweet.
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