STRAVA Summary

Friday, February 13, 2009

What's new.

It has been a while since my last post. I don't have any excuses except laziness. The running has been going good, especially as the weather has been getting slowly better. Except last Wednesday when it was stupidly cold and windy, so I didn't run. Last Sunday I got the mileage up to 36k, surprising myself, and it felt good. Then on Monday I did a hilly "tempo" run, probably not normally a good idea the day after a long run. But again it felt good. Tuesday was a rest day and then Wednesday I woke up with a sore leg, which wouldn't go away. I thought that maybe I had overdone it and it was going to be one of those injuries that stops me running. As usual I ignored common sense and went out for the usual Wednesday run and the soreness disappeared. Last night was the Powerstream/Barrie Hydro meet and greet followed by the Colts game. Which went well. No running so it was another good rest day. 1 week to Peterborough.

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